Mastering Small Talk in the US: Tips for Business and Personal Success

I start most of my English and U.S. culture coaching sessions with small talk to help my clients practice this very important skill; a tool, if used right, can make all the difference between success and failure in America. That’s why I have decided to write about small talk today to provide English and cultural tips about small talk and increase my readers’ U.S. culture and English fluency.

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Marike Korn
Embracing Imperfection: Overcoming Fear of Making Mistakes in Language Learning

As an English and U.S. culture teacher, I have noticed that many of my clients struggle with a fear of making mistakes and a desire for perfectionism. These obstacles can create a significant impediment to effective language learning, as students may be hesitant to take risks and try new things for fear of making errors. As a coach my goal is to create a supportive and encouraging environment where my clients feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes. By embracing imperfection and focusing on the journey rather than the destination, I believe that my clients can develop the confidence and skills they need to succeed in their language learning journey.

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Marike Korn
Boost Your Business English: 10 Phrasal Verbs to Thrive in the Global Market

In this blog post, we'll discuss ten English phrasal verbs that are commonly used during business meetings and negotiations that will boost your Business English skills. You will find examples of each phrasal verb in a dialogue below to help you understand how to use them in context. I cannot emphasize enough how important phrasal verbs are for English learners, especially international professionals who want to engage in meetings with native English speakers on equal footing. Your business success can depend on your English language skills (and cultural expertise).

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Marike Korn
10 Must-Know Phrasal Verbs for Business Success in American English

As an English learner, one of the essential skills you need to master in American Business English is phrasal verbs. These are two or three-word phrases that include a verb and a particle or preposition. They're very common and can be challenging to understand because they're idiomatic, meaning their meaning is not always apparent from their individual words.

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Marike Korn
10 Common Phrasal Verbs to Express Your Emotions

Humans are complicated creatures. We are full of crazy emotions, and it can already be difficult to express our feelings in our mother tongue. In our second language it gets even more complicated. There are so many nuances, and so many little language traps that could lead to huge misunderstandings.

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Marike Korn
10 Phrasal Verbs for Business English

Business meetings with native English speakers can be very difficult if you don’t understand phrasal verbs. Today we will look into (=here: learn more) English phrasal verbs that will boost your ability to communicate in English.

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Marike Korn
6 Essential Political Idioms in American English

It’s very important to be able to talk about what is going on in America and the world in English. One of the things I always recommend is to not just watch the news in English but to also take note of specific idioms. To improve your understanding of this specific type of English vocabulary, today’s post will teach you the six most common political idioms.

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Marike Korn